
PHONE:         +3549874654

E-MAIL:         [email protected]

ADDRESS:      Patterson 989,NY

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Grand, Gallant, Galeno. Breeding traditional lines back into the modern performance horse.

Preserving the G Line

Our mission is to preserve the traditional lines and undeniable power of some of the greatest stallions along the G line. Descended from Grannus, our core stallion Galeno Tyme has produced some of the finest stallions that continue to pass on characteristics that have long been lost in the modern day horse.



Intelligence, machismo and undeniable charisma. Our stallions carry and pass on the qualities of their infamous forefathers.



Purposefully selected to compliment our stallion genetics, the KPD broodmares are the backbone to our breeding succession.


Exuding personality and agility from day one, our lovely foals are the next generation of premium performance horses.